notes from /dev/null

by Charles Choi 최민수

Announcing a plan to change some Casual package names

08 Jun 2024  Charles Choi

It’s been wonderful seeing the positive response to the different Casual packages I’ve released over the past several months. That said, despite the amount of preparation I’ve put into these porcelains, there is always room for improvement. One area for improvement in particular is naming.

This post announces a plan to change the names of two packages now published on MELPA:

  • cc-isearch-menu will be renamed to casual-isearch.
  • casual will be renamed to casual-calc.

This will introduce a breaking change to their initialization as their package names will be changed. The new initialization code for them will be:

(require 'casual-isearch)
(define-key isearch-mode-map (kbd "<f2>") #'casual-isearch-tmenu)

(require 'casual-calc)
(define-key calc-mode-map (kbd "C-o") #'casual-calc-tmenu)

Or if you use use-package:

(use-package casual-calc
  :ensure t
  :bind (:map calc-mode-map ("C-o" . #'casual-calc-tmenu)))

(use-package casual-isearch
  :ensure t
  :bind (:map isearch-mode-map ("<f2>" . #'casual-isearch-tmenu)))

Again, existing users of casual or cc-isearch-menu should plan to adjust their initialization files accordingly upon release of their recipes on MELPA. In terms of scheduling, this change should occur on 2024-06-16, provided all goes swimmingly with the MELPA review process.


This leads the way to releasing an upcoming umbrella package (working title is casual-suite) to carry all the Casual packages. With casual-suite installed, any future additions to the suite of porcelains shall be automatically pulled in.

With this organization, the opportunity to consolidate code among the different packages becomes available. This should improve their maintenance and reliability.

At current, roadmap planning for new Casual porcelains is contingent upon the release of casual-suite. Planned for release later this summer are porcelains for:

  • Bookmarks
  • Re-Builder
  • ibuffer

Closing Thoughts

For existing users of cc-isearch-menu and casual, I thank you so very much for your patience and hopefully your understanding with these changes. If you have any questions or thoughts, please share them at this discussion group link. Thanks!




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