notes from /dev/null

by Charles Choi 최민수

Going back to feeds

13 Jun 2023  Charles Choi

With the turmoil going on at Reddit starting from their stance on 3rd party mobile clients, I'm taking this as an opportunity to shed even more of my social media consumption. On all my devices I have logged out of Reddit and deleted their mobile clients and browser bookmarks too.

For me, one of the larger conveniences of aggregating sites like Reddit was the one-stop shopping for interesting posts/articles on the web. But leaving editorial to the madness of crowds (as it's been for the past decade or so) has definitely shown its limitations. Going back to reading from syndication feeds (aka RSS/ATOM) and forcing the curation back on me seems like the right thing to do. Maybe I'll change my mind later, but I've no interest in joining some federated clone of Reddit to replace it.

With my newfound embrace of feeds from all over the web, I figured it was time to revamp this blog's feeds as well.

Go to the following page, Feed & Tags, to get the feed link for all posts from this blog, as well as separate feeds per metadata tag used by each blog post. The Feed & Tags link is at the bottom of every page on this blog as well.

Looking forward to seeing how well this works over time. Will return to this topic at the end of 2023.

blog   social media   feeds



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