notes from /dev/null

by Charles Choi 최민수

Migrating MacPorts in 2024

17 Sep 2024  Charles Choi

At long last, MacPorts has built-in migration support for whenever there’s a major macOS upgrade. I learned of this today thanks to Harry Sintonen’s Mastodon post. You’ll need to be running a version of port that is ≥ 2.10.0.

Migration now (at least on paper) is much simpler. After updating your version of the Xcode command line tools, you just run:

 $ sudo port migrate

Before 2.10.0, migration required a lot more hand-holding. It was easily one of my least favorite sys-admin things to do.

Staying true to my general policy of migrating, I’m waiting until the release of macOS Sequoia 15.1 before migrating MacPorts. I've elaborated more about this in an earlier post which I highly recommend for those new to MacPorts.

My most heartfelt thanks to all who are shaking things out to get the MacPorts ecosystem stable until then.





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