notes from /dev/null

by Charles Choi 최민수

Some catching up at /dev/null

12 Jul 2010  Charles Choi

Amazing that already half a year has spun by. Here's just some of the stuff that I've been working on:

  • Aquí 2.0 - A complete rewrite of my iPhone app. Motivated in large part for the following reasons:
    • Wanting to add future features and prepare for iOS4
    • Knowing much more about the iPhone SDK than when I first started out
    • Twitter changing their authentication to OAuth-only
  • OAuthConsumer-iPhone - For better or worse, OAuth has become the de facto standard for Web Service API authentication/authorization. I needed to learn how OAuth worked for Aquí to hook it up with Twitter. Problem was, I couldn't find a good open source OAuth library that worked "out-of-the-box" for the iPhone, and the best one I could find was an open source library called OAuthConsumer which was tuned for the desktop Mac. OAuthConsumer needed some repackaging to get it working on the iPhone, so I wrote a script to automate this and an example iPhone app demonstrating its use. You can find my work here:




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